7 Key Metrics to Evaluate the Success of Your Telecom Expense Management Company


telecom expense management company

Are you running a Telecom Expense Management (TEM) company and looking to measure its success? Evaluating key metrics is crucial for determining the effectiveness and efficiency of your services. In this article, we will discuss seven key metrics that can help you gauge the success of your telecom expense management company.

Tracking these metrics will provide you with valuable insights into your company’s performance and enable you to make data-driven decisions for improvement. From cost savings and invoice accuracy to vendor management and employee productivity, these metrics cover various aspects of your TEM operations.

By analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas of opportunity, strategize your resources, and optimize your telecom expenses. With the right approach and a focus on these metrics, you can streamline your operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Why metrics are important in evaluating the success of a telecom expense management company

Metrics play a vital role in evaluating the success of a telecom expense management company. They provide objective data that can be used to measure performance, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions. Without metrics, it would be challenging to assess the effectiveness of your services and determine whether you are meeting your goals. By tracking and analyzing key metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your company’s performance and take proactive steps to enhance it.

One of the main reasons metrics are important is that they allow you to measure cost savings. As a telecom expense management company, your primary objective is to help clients reduce their telecom expenses. By tracking metrics related to cost savings, such as the percentage reduction in telecom expenses or the total savings achieved, you can demonstrate the value of your services and quantify the impact you have on your client’s bottom line. These metrics not only provide a clear picture of your cost-saving capabilities but also serve as a benchmark for future improvements.

Another reason metrics are important is that they enable you to measure the return on investment (ROI) of your services. Clients invest in your telecom expense management company with the expectation of achieving a positive ROI. By tracking metrics such as the ratio of savings to the cost of your services or the payback period, you can assess whether your services are delivering the desired financial outcomes for your clients. This information is valuable not only for your clients but also for your company’s growth and profitability.

In addition to cost savings and ROI, metrics also help you measure expense visibility. Expense visibility refers to your ability to track and monitor all telecom expenses across your clients’ organizations. By tracking metrics related to expense visibility, such as the percentage of expenses tracked or the accuracy of expense data, you can ensure that you have a comprehensive view of your clients’ telecom expenses. This visibility enables you to identify cost-saving opportunities, detect billing errors, and negotiate better contracts with vendors, ultimately leading to improved financial performance for your clients.

Key metric #1: Cost Savings

Cost savings are a critical metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. Clients turn to you for help in reducing their telecom expenses and measuring cost savings allows you to demonstrate the value you bring to their businesses. There are several ways to measure cost savings, including:

  1. Percentage reduction in telecom expenses: This metric calculates the percentage decrease in telecom expenses after implementing your services. It provides a clear indicator of your cost-saving capabilities and allows you to benchmark your performance against industry standards.
  2. Total savings achieved: This metric quantifies the total amount of money saved by your clients as a result of your services. It takes into account both direct savings, such as negotiated discounts or eliminated unnecessary services, and indirect savings, such as improved operational efficiency or reduced invoice processing costs.
  3. Cost savings per employee: This metric measures the average cost savings per employee. It provides insights into the impact of your services on individual employees and allows you to showcase the benefits of your telecom expense management solutions.

By tracking these cost savings metrics, you can demonstrate the financial impact of your services and showcase your ability to deliver tangible results for your clients.

Key metric #2: Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI) is another crucial metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. Clients invest in your services with the expectation of achieving a positive ROI, and measuring ROI allows you to assess whether you are delivering the desired financial outcomes. There are several ways to measure ROI, including:

  1. Savings-to-cost ratio: This metric calculates the ratio of savings generated by your services to the cost of your services. A higher ratio indicates a higher ROI, as it means that the savings achieved outweigh the cost of your services.
  2. Payback period: This metric measures the time it takes for your clients to recoup their investment in your services through the savings generated. A shorter payback period indicates a higher ROI, as it means that the clients start experiencing positive financial outcomes sooner.

By tracking these ROI metrics, you can demonstrate the financial benefits of your services and provide evidence of the value you bring to your clients’ businesses.

Key metric #3: Expense Visibility

Expense visibility is a crucial metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. It refers to your ability to track and monitor all telecom expenses across your clients’ organizations. By measuring expense visibility, you can ensure that you have a comprehensive view of your clients’ telecom expenses and identify areas of improvement. There are several ways to measure expense visibility, including:

  1. Percentage of expenses tracked: This metric measures the percentage of total telecom expenses that you are able to track and monitor. A higher percentage indicates a higher level of expense visibility, as it means that you have a more comprehensive view of your clients’ expenses.
  2. Accuracy of expense data: This metric measures the accuracy of the expense data you collect and analyze. It ensures that the information you use to make cost-saving recommendations or negotiate contracts with vendors is reliable and up-to-date.

By tracking these expense visibility metrics, you can ensure that you have a complete understanding of your clients’ telecom expenses and provide them with accurate and actionable insights.

Key metric #4: Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance

Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance is a key metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. SLAs define the level of service you promise to deliver to your clients, and measuring SLA compliance allows you to assess whether you are meeting these commitments. There are several ways to measure SLA compliance, including:

  1. Percentage of SLAs met: This metric measures the percentage of SLAs that you are able to meet. It provides a clear indicator of your ability to deliver the agreed-upon level of service and ensures that you are meeting your clients’ expectations.
  2. Average response time: This metric measures the average time it takes for you to respond to client inquiries or resolve issues. It indicates how quickly you are able to address client concerns and ensures that you are providing timely and efficient support.

By tracking these SLA compliance metrics, you can ensure that you are meeting your clients’ expectations and delivering the level of service they require.

Key metric #5: Invoice Accuracy

Invoice accuracy is a critical metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. Billing errors can lead to unnecessary costs and impact your clients’ financial performance. By measuring invoice accuracy, you can ensure that you are providing accurate and error-free invoices to your clients. There are several ways to measure invoice accuracy, including:

  1. Percentage of accurate invoices: This metric measures the percentage of invoices that are error-free and do not require any adjustments or corrections. A higher percentage indicates a higher level of invoice accuracy, as it means that you are providing reliable and accurate billing information to your clients.
  2. Average time to resolve billing errors: This metric measures the average time it takes for you to identify and resolve billing errors. It ensures that you are proactively addressing any issues and minimizing the impact on your clients’ operations.

By tracking these invoice accuracy metrics, you can ensure that you are providing reliable and error-free billing information to your clients and maintaining their trust and satisfaction.

Key metric #6: Contract Compliance

Contract compliance is an essential metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. Contracts with vendors and service providers define the terms and conditions of your clients’ telecom services, and measuring contract compliance allows you to assess whether these agreements are being adhered to. There are several ways to measure contract compliance, including:

  1. Percentage of contracts in compliance: This metric measures the percentage of contracts that are being followed according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions. It ensures that your clients are receiving the services they are entitled to and that vendors are delivering as promised.
  2. Vendor performance ratings: This metric measures the performance of vendors and service providers based on predefined criteria. It provides insights into the quality of service delivered by vendors and allows you to identify any underperforming suppliers.

By tracking these contract compliance metrics, you can ensure that your clients’ telecom services are in line with the agreed-upon terms and conditions and that vendors are meeting their obligations.

Key metric #7: Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a crucial metric for evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company. Satisfied customers are more likely to continue using your services and recommend you to others, contributing to your company’s growth and success. There are several ways to measure customer satisfaction, including:

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS measures the likelihood of your clients recommending your services to others. It provides a clear indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty and allows you to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Customer feedback and testimonials: Collecting feedback from your clients and showcasing positive testimonials is another way to measure customer satisfaction. It provides insights into their experience with your services and allows you to demonstrate your ability to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

By tracking these customer satisfaction metrics, you can ensure that your clients are satisfied with your services and identify opportunities for improvement and growth.


In conclusion, evaluating the success of your telecom expense management company requires tracking and analyzing key metrics. From cost savings and ROI to expense visibility and customer satisfaction, these metrics provide valuable insights into your company’s performance and enable you to make data-driven decisions for improvement. By focusing on these metrics, you can optimize your operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth. So, start leveraging these key metrics today and take your telecom expense management company to new heights of success.